Meet the founders: learn more about the faces behind the innovation.
Inês C. Gonçalves
Co-founder and CEO of GOTECH Antimicrobial. Microbiologist with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and 20+ years’ experience in biomaterials for antimicrobial and cardiovascular applications. Principal Investigator at i3S in Porto, Portugal, Leader of the Advanced Graphene Biomaterials Group, and board member of the Iberian Society of Biomechanics and Biomaterials (SIBB).
Patrícia Henriques
Co-founder and COO&CSO of GOTECH Antimicrobial. Bioengineer with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and 10 years’ experience in graphene biomaterials for antimicrobial applications. Patrícia is fully dedicated to the valorization of the graphene light-activated technology that GOTECH Antimicrobial is exploring and that she developed during her PhD.
Discover the latest news: catch up on the recent updates and news.
GOcap® has won the 1st prize of the EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023
We are thrilled to announce that our pitch for the GOcap® has won the 1st prize of the EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023 voted by the jury! The EIT Health InnoStars Grand Final 2023 event took place in Milan in November. Thank you to our partners, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde and Onya Health, for their valuable contributions to this project, helping GOTECH Antimicrobial move forward with the market study analysis, regulatory roadmap, and branding/marketing strategy!
GOcap® has won the 1st prize of the EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023
We are thrilled to announce that our pitch for the GOcap® has won the 1st prize of the EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023 voted by the jury! The EIT Health InnoStars Grand Final 2023 event took place in Milan in November. Thank you to our partners, i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde and Onya Health, for their valuable contributions to this project, helping GOTECH Antimicrobial move forward with the market study analysis, regulatory roadmap, and branding/marketing strategy!